Selfie. 42 Ain’t So Bad

Strong Girls Dream Wild

I am a strong girl
Someday I will win the world
Yes I will smile in the wrong time
I won’t do what has to be done
Or what the world supposes me to have done
I will just do what I want
Drop out from crowd
Pretend to fall where I don’t
Smile even when not all is good
Believe what should not be
Dream wild
Look observe and not harm
Because I just live
Let me live
Don’t put me in a category or a class
I am as light as a glass
This world this beautiful world
Oh how complex has it been made by us
Just look at the bird soaring in the blue sky
Does it even care?

– Suyasha Subedi


Happy 2019

When we are a little, our Friends mean the world to us- We do everything together. And as time goes on, we grow up, we separate from some Friends, and make new ones. Then later in life we realize just how important Friends are. We then reminisce. We wonder. We think about the fun times, the times that we will never forget. And sometimes we are filled with remorse & regret. The bottom line is that WE NEED FRIENDS, and I’m not talking about Fair Weather Friends, I’m talking about REAL FRIENDS, The ones you can turn to, you can trust, the ones that don’t judge you, the ones that accept you. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, that’s a fact of life. But real friends stay by your side through thick and thin. Never treat your friends for anything.


Happy 2019!!

Selfie Sunday

Selfie Saturday/Sunday

Phillies vs. Mets

FYI, we kicked the Mets’ asses!! Thank you for my job, Capano for giving me two tickets right behind first base. Awesome game! I took my cousin Christina and we had an amazing time!

This is 41

Haven’t taken a selfie in quite some time. Here’s to being 41 years old now.

Pool Towel Selfie

Thanksgiving Day Hat (Me)

Hanging Out With Jesus


An Updated Me


2016 Selfie




Cartoon Tango

