A Perspective Is Simply An Opinion

The truth is the truth- regardless of other peoples’ perspectives. Perspectives are simply opinions, and a lot of times it’s a lack of knowledge. The truth is there- it always has been and always will be. The truth can be cruel, it can come out of nowhere like a war, it can be hard to believe & accept, it can hurt like something awful, it can feel like a betrayal, but sadly, the truth is the truth- and the truth can be a bastard. The hardest part of it all, is to trust the truth when you don’t want to believe it. 

– TangoTalks (Teresa Slater)

Beautiful Chaos

Chaos can be beautiful if you love all your ingredients.

– Celerie Kemble

Cruel Mistress

Fate is a cruel mistress.

– The Village

Strong Girls Dream Wild

I am a strong girl
Someday I will win the world
Yes I will smile in the wrong time
I won’t do what has to be done
Or what the world supposes me to have done
I will just do what I want
Drop out from crowd
Pretend to fall where I don’t
Smile even when not all is good
Believe what should not be
Dream wild
Look observe and not harm
Because I just live
Let me live
Don’t put me in a category or a class
I am as light as a glass
This world this beautiful world
Oh how complex has it been made by us
Just look at the bird soaring in the blue sky
Does it even care?

– Suyasha Subedi


Accept & Trust

It is possible to accept a person, but not trust them.

– Teresa Slater (TangoTalks)

Mesial Temporal Sclerosis

I have Mesial Temporal Sclerosis. Years ago I had a hard blow to the right side of my head leaving scar tissue on the right side of my brain which unfortunately results in occasional seizures. I don’t have them often, I don’t have epilepsy. My brainwave activity as normal. It’s the scar tissue that causes the seizures. I’m just trying to make awareness. If you suffer from any type of seizure, make sure the people around you know what to do, it’s vital.

I am so grateful for my people. They are my village. ❤️

Read this article. It’s worth it.


Selfie Sunday

Selfie Saturday/Sunday

Phillies vs. Mets

FYI, we kicked the Mets’ asses!! Thank you for my job, Capano for giving me two tickets right behind first base. Awesome game! I took my cousin Christina and we had an amazing time!

This is 41

Haven’t taken a selfie in quite some time. Here’s to being 41 years old now.

Be True To You

Merry Christmas Friends!

Company Christmas Party (2018)

Me putting on my Mom’s Santa hat (this is the first selfie I posted this year, even though technically I took it in December.

#3 of 30

Wisdom I’ve (hopefully) gained in my almost 40 years. 
#3 of 30: LOVE. We all want it. No matter what you say, we ALL need it. Sometimes we feel lost without it. It makes us feel on top of the world, and it makes us feel lower than Hell sometimes. It’s one of the biggest parts of all of us – and it supposed to be. We were born to love. Love- no matter what kind of person you are, no matter what mistakes you’ve made or the tributes you’ve done- it is instilled in every single one of us. No one is an exception to this. NO ONE. That is a fact. 

The love I am referring to in this particular post is the real true romantic love we all have defined and keep. This is something I still struggle with today, because I’ve left several people, I’ve been madly in love, and I always thought/think true love was/is something that you can look for. I thought that it would be easy to find, and that there wouldn’t be a treasure hunt to find it. Sure you can go on the treasure hunt to look for love, and don’t get me wrong it can be fun to do that. As hard as it is to find love, love is actually everywhere, and we find all kinds of people who will love you and who you will love as well. It really takes A lot of self-aware ends and a lot of soul-searching, but you really do have to but shortly and seriously ask yourself if you’re really in love or if you are just settling. We’ve all settled before, myself included- it’s human nature. We settle because we want to be with somebody, we want a companion, society tells us that were supposed to have a life companion and maybe they’re a great person, with good morals, a good career, and amazing family that loves you. But that is it mean that that person is meant for you. We need to learn the difference between lust and love because it could be very very hard to differentiate. 

This is one of those times in life that YOU MUST put yourself first: DO NOT SETTLE. Nobody should settle. EVER. You, me and everybody else deserves the love that gives you the passion, desire, excitement, butterflies, and that got feeling deep down inside that tells you this is right, this is what I’ve been waiting for. But the truth is, no matter how hard you look and how many potential prospects you may meet along your way, real true love ONLY HAPPENS when it’s supposed to happen. Patience is a virtue, I know this very well.

Anybody who knows me well knows the Billy Joel is my favorite singer/songwriter. My favorite song by him is Vienna and there is a lyric in the song (which I actually just got tattooed on my back two days ago) that says: “Only Fools Are Satisfied.”

I wrote a quote on my own blog that I’ve had for 7 to 8 years. I came up with ir a couple of years ago, in which I said: “Love doesn’t call ahead of time and make reservations.” ❤️

#3of30 #AlmostFourtyWordsOfWisfomCountdown

August 6, 1977 

 – TangoTalks (Teresa Slater)

Love Yourself

I am the best thing that’s ever happened to me. 

 – TangoTalks (Teresa Slater)

Courage Isn’t Our Strength, Fear Is.

     It’s impossible to get through this world in solo mode. Think about it like this…. if I had to guess, I would say 99% of people do not like fear. Depending on the type of person you are, you’re [initial] onset of fear either causes us to freeze up and hide and retreat temporarily causing things to be worse. OR fear can put us into this immediate, unplanned, spontaneous action, where we question if we did things the right way fear rushed us. 

     I am 100 % fully aware how extremely insane, contradictory, irrational [because on how what I just said above]. I realize I’m only almost 40 (shhhh 😉), and I hopefully have another half of a lifetime left to understand more. However, in the last 20–25 years I have come to learn the hard way, unfortunately on a few occasions,BOTH of these reactions to fear is unproductive and a waste of time. 
     Regardless of how each of us responds to fear, (a lot have a knee-jerk reaction) is never the way we thought we would react. Fear is not a bad thing, because it’s a completely separate emotion compared to love, work, friends, hobbies, family life, etc.
     Not only should we welcome & embrace fear, but we should seize it, capture it, & accept it. Learn from it. Maybe you’ve never realized that fear is a completely different emotion than the other ones (Love, Hate, Anger, Resentment, jealously, etc.). It holds NO hands, and it”can” take away your security after all. Think about this: Love is associated with friendships & relationships, work is associated with coworkers, career & money, Family is associated with the ones you love. Fear is all alone. If fear could be a cup, it would be a Red Solo Cup. The ONLY thing fear has, is power over you— IF you allow it.  Fear has no partner, because who would want to be a friend of fear? All fear is, is full of loneliness, anxiety, stress,  isolation, lack of motivation, unproductiveness, & depression. Since birth we were taught, told, & shown safety & security, and then one day, BOOM! fear comes along and kidnaps us… if you let it.

     How many people do you know that like and actually look forward to fear? Fear gives us this that feeling of not knowing what to expect; when majority of our life we’re kept safe and have security, and with security comes knowledge and what to expect, and what to expect goes right back to feeling safe & secure. Fear steals our security, and fear scares a lot of us- so badly that we never move forward and we just allow fear to steal our security.

Nobody likes to be afraid. Do you? I sure as heck don’t. 

MY MORAL RAMBLING: If we did not have fearful thoughts and/or face fearful experiences, courage would never ever exist. Fear is the SOUL reason we have courage. So please, as scary and as hard as it is at the time, be thankful for fear, because without fear, courage wouldn’t exist. Heroes, self worth, being proud of yourself, trying new things and succeeding, etc. 
     If you always give into fear you will never know who the real you really is- in fact nobody will. And if that’s your case, you can’t expect anybody else to know you, and you’re never going to be able to truly know anybody else, until you know Andrew stand yourself first. 

     Without facing & trying to overcome your fear with your God given courage (which I you sure you that you have more then enough to last a lifetime.) You’ll never know the accomplishments, recognition & successes you could’ve made & did. You would NEVER really know what could’ve been, if you just stood up and showed the world how courageous you really can be.
Courage is not our strength, fear is.

 – Teresa Slater (TangoTalks)


Love comes a’knockimg, it doesn’t ring your doorbell.

 – Teresa Slater (TangoTalks)

Death, Love, & Fear

They say that death is the scariest, but I beg to differ. Love is far more scary.

– Teresa Slater (TangoTalks)

In Me, At Me

Find someone who looks in you, not at you.

 – Teresa Slater (TangoTalks)

Instilled Memories

You can’t make memories by yourself. This is why a genuine desire for companionship is extremely important-because it’s the foundation that creates the value & instills the memories we make for our future that we will one day look back on and cherish them forever. 

 – Teresa Slater (TangoTalks)

Only Me, Only You,

I want to be the only one in this world that is me, and I want you to be the only person in this world who is you.

 – Teresa Slater (TangoTalks)

She’s My Girl

She’s my best friend

She’s standing right beside me

I’ve waited my whole life 

For somebody to find me

I know you don’t like her 

But she’s my girl 

 – Five For Fighting (She’s My Girl)